Introduction from ebook “52 Quotes to live by Zett Why Concentration chains

I think that it’s the fault of the person. People have chosen the way of intellect as their main guiding process. We can see different stages of human development in history where we didn’t have any intellectual dictation. For instance, our intellectually created science still can’t explain how the Pyramids were built, how Jesus managed to walk on water, and many other things. But all these miracles are easily untangled, if we don’t try to understand them through intellect. Logic here is powerless – absolutely other laws are at work here…

The biggest part of a modern person is his consciousness, which is colored by his goals. A goal is not a main problem itself. The manner used in seeking a goal is a bigger problem. Many people only concentrate their attention on the goal, and try to achieve it by all means. Naturally, a question arises – What will the result be if it is only sought under stress? If you can only see the final goal, any obstacle or circumstance preventing its accomplishment makes you nervous and increases your level of stress. This is reflected in your mind. Because of the stress and tension, you won’t be able to recognize a favorable condition when it appears on the path to your goal…

Exerpt from ebook “52 Quotes to live by